SIS have launched a bespoke Customer Calibration Portal to allow customers to manage their large inventory of test equipment, measure their compliance levels & provide copies of calibration certificates in a few clicks of a mouse.
Talking to some of Our Key Customers, we recognise just how much time and expense can be incurred in trying to manage and ensure compliance on any large quantity of test equipment. With this in mind we have built a bespoke online portal available to any customer with 50 or more items of test equipment. With easy traffic light indicators on their compliance, the history of all their equipment and copy certification available within just a few clicks of a mouse.
We didn’t just stop there and have since rolled out an easy-to-use online booking system to book recalibrations, repairs, site demobilisations and new equipment quotations all available from your phone, tablet or PC.
To further enhance Our service levels, with Our new DHL Service point service, engineers can simply arrange to drop off their instruments at literally 1000’s on local stores throughout the UK on a day and time to suit themselves. No labels to worry about, just a quick and easy online form and a QR code sent directly to you phone.